Consulting Services

Gain Security Resiliency

Whether you’re lacking the resources, time, or just the patience, there’s no shame in asking for a little help to shore up your security. Rapid7 Consulting offers the support and guidance of industry leaders and security specialists to help you accelerate your security improvement via cutting-edge methodologies and risk prioritization.

Need help with developing your security program, incident response, penetration testing, or product consulting? Or looking for experts in the IoT security space? Rapid7 has the answers for you. Our team tailors our offerings to match your organization’s business goals and priorities.

Advisory Services

Overwhelmed. Understaffed. Unprotected. Sound familiar? Don’t sweat it! Many security teams can’t free up the time and resources necessary to analyze their security program, or uncover the insight they need to improve it. Rapid7 Advisory Services can help you not only get unstuck, but also move forward with confidence. Our Advisory Services were designed with your realities in mind, built to help you prioritize your security initiatives, and ensure your program meets compliance, exceeds best practices, and is aligned with your organization’s risk appetite and business goals.

Rapid7 Advisory Services include cybersecurity maturity assessments, program development, policy creation, and much more.

Incident Response Services

Incident response is about as sure as death and taxes. Make sure you’re ready with Rapid7 Incident Response Services. Our team of IR experts can help you build a response plan from the ground up, create a roadmap for improving your existing plan, or, for teams short on IR resources, work with you through every stage of response—from analysis and detection to containment, remediation, and cleanup.

Rapid7 Incident Response Services include program development, breach readiness, breach response, tabletop, and much more.

Penetration Testing Services

A ruthless report on your many weaknesses is a good thing. Our practiced, perceptive pen testers will simulate a real-world attack on your networks, applications, devices, and/or people to uncover weaknesses from the perspective of a motivated attacker to show you what areas of your security program could use a little (tough) love.

Rapid7 Penetration Testing Services include: internal and external network penetration testing, web application penetration testing, social engineering, and much more.


IoT Security Services

As the IoT grows, the need to secure it should grow at the same pace. Whether you’re creating a new IoT product or deploying an IoT solution, our IoT Security Services provide experienced and skilled consultants to help you identify risk and vulnerabilities and apply solutions to mitigate security issues across the entire IoT ecosystem.

Rapid7 IoT Security Services include: threat modeling, device design consulting, IoT testing, firmware analysis, and much more.


Product Education and Consulting Services

Prefer to do things in-house? Rapid7 has skilled resources ready to help you get the most out of your product investments. Whether you need product training, deployment assistance, help running the software, technical support, or expert guidance on your overall security program, we’re here to help.

Learn how we can help with your vulnerability management products.

Learn how we can help manage your incident detection and response program. 

Need help making your security program relevant, actionable, and sustainable?